
Benson Grist Mill Pumpkin Walk

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Benson Grist Mill Pumpkin Walk
325 State Road 138
Stansbury Park, UT
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The Benson Grist Mill is an historic site which is the home to the Mill, which was built in 1854, and many other pioneer era buildings and artifacts. There are free crafts and activities for children 12 and under to participate in. You can wear your costume and come practice your trick or treating.

Annual Pumpkin Walk
Pumpkin Walk Hay Maze

Pumpkin Walk:
Benson Grist Mill hosts the annual Pumpkin Walk in October. So get your soccer team, your scout group, your class, or just a group of creative friends and start thinking about what you can do with pumpkins. Our theme this year is "Pumpkins of Discovery."

Contest is open to all - families, businesses, school classes, sports teams. Event is free to the public to view your display and there is no fee to participate in the display contest.

Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.

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