Easy Pickin's Orchard

Easy Pickin's Orchard is a pick-your-own farm located in Enfield, CT. Customers can simply come and enjoy the outdoors or they can participate in the other activities we offer such as wagon rides, scarecrow making, and our very popular annual Gourd Hunt.
Wagon Rides:
Starting the weekend after Labor Day, the farm (like the rest of the country) shifts from summer to fall (tho' the weather doesn't always join us). We offer free wagon rides on Sunday afternoons.
Make-Your-Own Scarecrow:
Saturdays & Sundays after Labor Day we offer our Make-Your-Own Scarecrow activity. Rummage through the bins to find the most interesting combination of shirt & pants for your scarecrow. Draw & color your scarecrow's face, stuff the clothes with straw, and add the straw hat to make it official. Give your life-size scarecrow a name, and he or she will be ready to go home and join the family.
Annual Gourd Hunt:
The Gourd Hunt is an Easy Pickin's tradition since 1995. The third Sunday in October is our traditional date for this event. Picture an Easter Egg Hunt held in the fall, with colorful gourds instead of Easter Eggs. We hide these gourds out in our peach & plum orchard for the kids to find. We have separate areas for kids age 5 years & under, and for ages 6 to 12. Everyone finds a gourd, and everyone wins a prize from a choice of prize tables. We hide 2 specially marked gourds in each section - these special gourds are winners of more valuable prizes.
We also host free games for the kids. There's music, and we have refreshments available. Plan on a fun Sunday afternoon at Easy Pickin's Annual Gourd Hunt !