Farmer Girl Exotic Gardens

18940 Coastal Hwy
Rehoboth Beach, DE
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What you see at Farmer Girl Exotic Gardens will partly depend on when you visit. Year-round (March – December) count on finding plants and shrubs, lawn statuary and fountains, artificial palm trees, lawn and garden supplies, outdoor furniture, parrots and their paraphernalia, exotic birds and toys, plus experienced advice on keeping your lawn and garden thriving.
Fall Season:
Fall is for bargain hunters. When Labor Day arrives and the crush of visitors thins out, Farmer Girl inventories its stock and discounts begin to appear on items throughout the store.
October is also when Farmer Girl begins dressing up for the holidays. Ornaments, lights, and other decorations emerge as Thanksgiving approaches and Mary and staff brace for Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year at Farmer Girl. Inside, the showroom is overflowing with one of the area’s largest assortments of artificial trees assembled and lighted.