Fort Hill Farms Corn Maze Adventure

260 Quaddick Road
Thompson, CT
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Each year our farm hosts our annual Corn Maze Adventure which is not like any corn maze you've ever been in!
Every year we create an "agricultural adventure" on our farm.Visitors to the 6+ acre maze in Thompson, Conn. receive a game sheet as they enter and search for clues among the corn stalks. Along the way, they will learn about farmland preservation issues and solutions like sprawl, sources for local food, the Connecticut Farmland Trust and open space.
The Farmer's Cow and Fort Hill Farms Corn Maze Adventure and Mini Moo Labyrinth are now open at Fort Hill Farms. The Mini Moo Labyrinth is designed for people of all ages with wide paths for strollers and includes a photo finding game!
Thousands from across New England (and many foreign countries) celebrate local agriculture with our "The Farmer’s Cow" maze. After the season, the 2015 maze will be recycled and turned into The Farmer's Cow milk. The corn is chopped and fed to our cows, who then in turn give us the milk. How's that for getting the most out of what nature gives you?
As always, when you enter the maze you'll be given a game sheet, and as you walk the paths you can look for interesting facts about local farms. By working together you will solve the Maize Quest Challenge!