Fall Family Fun at Tate Farms

8414a Moores Mill Road
Meridianville, AL
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Fall has lots of fun in Tate Farms. Activities include Hay Ride to Pumpkin Field, Play in the Cotton Jump, Hay Bale Maze for Your Exploring, Fall Decor, Corn Train Rides, Corn Cribs to Play In, Pedal Cart Track, Face Painting, Jumping Pillows, Farm Animals to Pet, and of course you can pick your own pumpkins from our huge, 60 acres of pumpkins and gourds of all kinds and varieties!
Tate Farms Cotton Pickin’ Pumpkins wants our visitor’s farm experience to be both fun and educational introducing creative, original ideas each year to keep the “fall farm fun” concept fresh.
Come visit Tate Farms Cotton Pickin’ Pumpkins and experience a unique working farm, where memories are planted.