
Windy Acres Farm Fall Festival

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Windy Acres is a family owned farm in Geneva, IL. Come on out for an entire day of family fun and enjoy wonderful fall festival season with Windy Acres.

Farm Attractions:

Corn Stalk Maze
Buttermilk Barnyard Petting Zoo
Giant Jumping Pillow
Tractor Rides
Children's Play Area
Charlotte's Tangle Web
Rock Climbing Playground
Peddle Tractors
Rubber Duckie Races
Horsey Swing Corral
Roping Rodeo Toss and much more
30 foot Inflatable Slide
2 Moon Bouncers
Inflatable Obstacle Course
Kiddie Train
Education Barn
Mini Golf
Variety of Gourds
Climbing Goats
Hamster Wheel Racers
Pony Derby Bouncers
Western Kiddie Town

Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.

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